Inspiring Stories and Reviews From New Sellers Who Started Just Like You!

Building, trust and maintaining honesty/integrity is our #1 priority!

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  • Passionate Coaching

    Coach Nessa is fueled by a genuine passion for helping others succeed. She goes above and beyond to ensure you reach your goals, no matter where you are on your Amazon journey.

  • Proven Strategies

    Tired of chasing empty promises? Nessa offers tried-and-true strategies that deliver real results. Say goodbye to wasted time and hello to tangible success.

  • Time-Saving Solutions

    Don't waste hours searching for answers.Spend less time researching and more time growing your business. From self-paced e-books to one- on-one support

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Does This Sound Like You?

Tired Of Figuring It Out Alone?

Join a community today with New Amazon sellers just like you

Dont know how or where to start?

Say goodbye to feeling lost..

Save both time and money with Coach Nessa's readily available resources that require 0 experience.

Rather Do It Your Self with A Blueprint?

Purchase our Do It Yourself solutions

Tired of overpromising promises with 0 results?

Speak with an expert who actually hears you and curate strategies tailored to your pain points

Tired Of spending your hard earned money with people who act like you dont exist?

Coach Nessa is the complete opposite. She holds your hands through the whole process and wants you to come to her for any difficulties you face.

Tools And Resources With "Your Success" In Mind!

Discover Nessa's top sourcing secrets and techniques that have propelled countless students to their first 4-5 figures in under a year.

Our personalized 1:1 coaching is all about you. Nessa isn't just focused on getting you started; she's dedicated to ensuring you start off on the right foot.


If you're self-paced you're at the right place!

This 4-in-1 package is your ultimate guide from start to finish.

  • Learn how to properly structure your business
  • Set up your account, and source products effectively to ensure they fly off the shelf.
  • Gain access to the most top-selling brands like Nike and Adidas, and unlock the ability to sell in multiple categories.

Plus, enjoy freebies such as response templates to safeguard your account and UPS scripts for free printers.